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May 11, 2024

Weather in Estepona

If you’re seeking a destination with pleasant weather all year round, Estepona on the Costa del Sol might just be what you’re looking for. With a Mediterranean climate, Estepona boasts mild winters and warm, sunny summers, making it a popular destination for travelers or winter sun seekers year-round.

Seasonal Climate in Estepona
Estepona’s climate (located in the Andalusia region) is characterized by mild winters and hot, dry summers. The city enjoys over 300 days of sunshine per year, making it an ideal spot for sun worshippers. The average temperature varies depending on the season.


Spring brings a gradual warming after the cooler winter months. Temperatures in March can range from 15°C to 22°C, while April and May see warmer weather with temperatures averaging between 20°C and 25°C.


The summer months are the hottest period in Estepona. From June to September, temperatures can easily soar above 30°C, sometimes reaching peaks of 40°C. Summer is perfect for long days at the beach and refreshing swims in the Mediterranean Sea.


Autumn brings some relief from the summer heat, although temperatures generally remain very pleasant. September and October still see average temperatures between 20°C and 25°C, while November may be slightly cooler.


Winters in Estepona are generally mild and pleasant. Temperatures in December, January, and February typically range between 10°C and 17°C, with occasional rainfall.

Best time to visit Estepona

Estepona is an attractive destination year-round, but certain months offer special charm. The best time to visit Estepona is in spring, between March and June, when temperatures are pleasant and nature is in full bloom. The summer months, from July to September, are ideal for sun seekers and beach lovers, though be prepared for crowds and higher temperatures. In autumn, from October to November, the weather remains mild with plenty of sunny days, while tourist crowds decrease. Winter months, from December to February, offer mild temperatures, though it can sometimes be rainy. Nevertheless, Estepona remains a pleasant destination for those looking to escape the cold elsewhere.

Perfect weather for activities

The weather in Estepona is perfect for a variety of activities, whether you want to relax on the beach, hike in nature, or explore local culture.

• Beach Fun: With over 20 kilometers of beautiful beaches, Estepona offers plenty of opportunities for sunbathing, swimming, and water sports such as windsurfing and sailing.

• Nature: The mild temperatures make exploring the natural beauty around Estepona enjoyable. From mountain hikes to exploring nearby natural parks, there’s something for every nature lover.

• Culture: Even in slightly cooler weather during the winter months, you can enjoy Estepona’s rich culture by strolling through its charming streets, visiting local markets, and sampling traditional dishes in cozy restaurants.

Let’s go to Estepona!

The weather in Estepona makes it an ideal holiday destination year-round. Whether you’re seeking a sun-soaked summer getaway or a relaxing winter escape, Estepona offers the perfect climate for all kinds of activities and experiences. So, pack your bags and get ready for a delightful vacation under the warm Spanish sun!

Category: The weather